Do I need to register and pay to use this platform?
No. Registration is not necessary and the use of the platform is completely free.
Do I need to ask permission to use the platform?
No. This platform and all its content is a OER (Open Educational Resource) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Can I download and modify the content?
Yes, you can download all of the platform content from the WIKI section and modify it as you wish. This platform and all its content is a OER (Open Educational Resource) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It is attributed to the partners of the e-PPR project. If you are going to use parts of the content with materials whose copyright holder(s) is/are not the authors, it is your responsibility to make sure you do so, respecting the original holder’s copyrights.
Can I find out more about how the platform was developed?
Yes, please feel free to contact the E-PPR partners to find out more about how the platform has been developed. Please contact:
Can content related to other types of natural disaster be added to the platform?
Yes, potentially. The E-PPR partners hope to continue to develop and expand the platform over time. If there is a particular type of natural disaster which you think could be included on the platform then please contact to discuss your ideas and suggestions.
Do I need to look at all of the material within each module or can I just view what is of interest to me?
It is up to you. The modules within the platform can be viewed independently or as a full suite of modules. You are free to view any or all of the modules as you wish. Please note, however, that if you do decide to only look at certain modules/presentations/videos then you may miss some information that you may find useful or interesting.